Created in the 1950s, the D34 Caucus serves and operates under a set of by-laws that organizes and leads a process for D34 residents interested in being a member of the D34 School Board.  The Caucus works in service of D34 residents by doing work that all residents may not have the time, interest, or ability to do themselves.

Specifically, the Caucus performs the following tasks (see Caucus Process for details):

  • Attracts candidates interested in serving on the D34 Board of Education
  • Provides an objective forum for interested candidates to present information about their interest and qualifications for being a school board member, via written documents and verbal discussions
  • Recommends to D34 residents the persons to be “slated” on the ballot for the D34 School Board
  • Guides and assists the recommended candidates through the process of filing the paperwork, getting on the ballot, and successfully getting elected