Who makes up the D34 Board of Education Caucus?

  • The Caucus is a non-partisan group of volunteers, which represents 33 precincts across three townships. This area comprises all the neighborhoods/residents in D34.
  • All residents are welcome to serve on the Caucus, with the by-laws allowing for two voting delegates and one (non-voting) alternate per precinct. Spots are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Unlike other North Shore communities, there is no formal application process to be a Caucus member.
  • The volunteer delegates from the 33 precincts collectively form the Caucus. Each member is asked to represent their precinct, acting as a liaison between the precinct residents and the Caucus. Service as a delegate can be time limited if another volunteer steps forward to serve.
  • In addition to the delegates and alternates, the Caucus has a President (the only non-voting member), Vice President, and Secretary who are elected by the Caucus. These officers, operating under the by-laws, lead the Caucus process.
  • District 34 Caucus seeking new school board candidates and caucus members – More Info